Friday, February 12, 2010

Line - A pencil on a blank piece of paper on my drawing pad .. I shall write a funny message in the background.. like mrs.crouch izzzuhhh LOSERRRR ! B@h@h@..=]

Shape- I'm thinking of taking a picture of one of my old ABC blocks stacked up on one another ..

Form- a picture of one of muhhhh high heels..

Texture- ???wtf i dont even know???

Color- I have some used watercolors that ill prolly take a picture of .. it'll look HAWT !

Value-Immmma say prolly a picture of a picture that is on my wallllllllllll...

Space- - - - - ( notice the space between the dashes???) Possible pun . I think soooo ??? .... okay well for this i will prolly be a smarty about it and put two objects parrell to eachother and make sure there is a good amount of space in between them and take a picture of it . lololol..


Rythm - Take a picture of Janet Jackson's Cd RYTHM NATION ?? hahaha jkjk... prolly ill take a picture of my make-up door ... cause it has rythm..

Movement- fo'real homs...idk.

Pattern-imma take a picture of my baby infamous blanket that i take everytime i go on a think i'm frontin' . im not. ask one of my friends. if you mess with my don't even wanna know what'llll happen....

Balance- ..?...?...?


Variety- ........?

Emphasis-ill take a picture of a bunch eyeshadow in a circle with someonething really odd and random in thaaa middle.

Harmony- Ill take a picture of uhhh bunch of pots and panssss.

1 comment:

  1. You received almost full credit (20 out of 25 points) for your brainstorming due to the lack of answers for some of your elements/priciples.
    For Blog creation you received 25 points for blog creation & using a background template.
    For blog posts you received a 20 out of 20 because you posted at least 4 posts. Good job.
    Watch your language on the blog. "WTF" is not appropriate for school assignments.
